Rosie Musgrave stone carver and sculptor working on a sculpture in her studio with sculpting tools

Rosie Musgrave

“Since childhood I have always been attracted to the beauty, stillness and quiet presence of stone”

Rosie approaches her material with care and reverence. She is keenly aware that she has chosen to work stone laid down hundreds of millions of years ago, so haste and impulsive gestures are not priorities. Instead she takes considerable time making drawings and maquettes, exploring the shape and character that each sculpture will take, before breaking into her chosen piece of alabaster, limestone or marble. It is at this point that the process of carving takes on its own momentum, and, through painstaking hard work, a form emerges. New life is born from the impossibly old. Rosie describes her sculptures as ‘touchstones of continuity’ and ‘microcosmic landscapes’. They seem to possess both universal and personal qualities: an intimacy without boundaries.

Rosie trained at Sir John Cass and City and Guilds Art School, where she first began carving in stone. She is a member of the Royal Society of Sculptors.

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