Masako Tobita artist standing with a large semi abstract nature inspired painting in her studio

Masako Tobita

“As the days begin, I pick up a brush, mix some colours and start making the first mark on a canvas – without knowing where it will lead”

Masako was born and grew up in Japan. After graduating from Joshibi University of Art and Design in Tokyo, she worked in both architecture and graphics. 

Always developing and exploring, Masako began with semi-figurative works, but moved towards complete abstraction, as she believes this gives her the freedom and scope to concentrate on the essence of a particular emotion. The personal, emotive qualities inherent in Masako’s paintings are reflected in her creative approach.

‘As the days begin, I pick up a brush, mix some colours and start making the first mark on a canvas – without knowing where it will lead. My work is very much like an autobiography, with layers of feeling about the past, the present and the future. I paint instead of writing a diary.’ 

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